Painless Dentistry

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For many years there has been a significant stigma surrounding dentistry. It has largely been responsible for the prevalence of conditions such as dental anxiety and interfered with countless people getting the care they need. This stigma of painful dentistry is hugely misrepresented in the public mind. Painless dentistry is a passion of Dentistry Done Right. When done well, dentistry doesn’t have to be a painful experience.

How Dentistry Done Right Provides Painless Dentistry

Painless dentistry begins before you ever enter Dr. Rhee’s dental chair. It begins with how we welcome our patients and treat our relationship with them. We’ve found that treating our patients with warmth and confidence helps reduce anxiety. Anxiety is reduced further by clearly communicating the details of the procedure and what to expect. Those experiencing high anxiety levels have been shown to have greater sensitivity to discomfort. Further, calm and relaxed people experience greater benefits from pain relief and control measures.

While sedation and anesthetic do play a role in providing painless dentistry, they are just one component of the entire process. Providing painless dentistry requires not just using sedation but using the right one. Some considerations that are made in selecting the proper sedation process include:

  • Age
  • Weight and Height
  • Current prescriptions
  • Caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine use
  • Activity Level

The steps to provide painless dentistry don’t end when the procedure is over. We’re dedicated to providing outstanding care for our patients in the dental chair. By ensuring your care is the best possible, we can reduce the experience of discomfort that comes during recovery.

Sometimes it’s as simple as a warm cloth offered after an extraction to reduce inflammation. You’ll receive this while the sedative is wearing off to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible when it does. We’ll be happy to discuss managing pain relief with you, both before and after your procedure.

You must communicate your experience to Dr. Rhee and our team. We need to know your feelings to ensure we can provide the best possible relief from discomfort. By understanding your experience, we can provide options that will help you remain comfortable even after you leave the office.

We know that painless dentistry isn’t a focus of all dental clinics. We’re proud that it is central to how we provide care here at Dentistry Done Right.

Call To Experience Painless Dentistry In Corona, CA

We’re always thrilled to meet patients and help them experience the relief of painless dentistry. We know that you put a lot of faith in our team regarding your dental care. We honor that by ensuring that we provide you with important information about your procedure and taking steps to ensure it’s as pleasant as possible. We believe providing patient education is essential in helping patients take an active role in their care. Call today to visit our clinic to discuss our painless dentistry practices in more detail.